
  • New application loader
  • New and improved single widow face training system introduced
  • New face recognition system with improved accuracy and performance
  • New lock status option provided in app to show system locked duration
  • Consent form will not appear for Shield only users
  • Private browing (incognito mode) in Google chrome and Edge will now be disabled only if Shield is enabled.
  • Consent form will not be reset when application reset is performed.
  • Dual screen bug fix done to prevent users from using the secondary disap


In this patch release, some improvements to SentinelAI application has been made and few bugs has been closed.




  • Project expiry email notification added
  • Track reports now displays the first login and last logout in date\time.
  • Allow agents to be re-invited with right user type (custom/domain)
  • FIxed Tenant/Project expiration notification and will  trigger based on 'End date'.

Bug Fixes

Update and New Feature

Option included to settings for exporting application log files to the cloud. Support team will be able to export the log files from the platfrom.

Vision training now contains a audio alert when the user successfully completes a face orientation capture.


SentinelAI Registration

  • Fixed Anamoly record count -Ignored failure record.
  • Fixed count for total photos captured per day in core.
  • Fixed space in supervisor label for both Anomaly and Settings page.


  • Fixed validation for save button
  • Fixed Actipro license issue



  • Read the user last input from GetLastInputInfo method using User32 DLL.
  • Time and date format made uniform throughout the log.
  • User Activity Track message activity pop up screen updated
  • User activity report Utilization percentage added 2 digits after the decimal point.
  • More than 4 hours idle after the shift end use login data added to next day.
  • Idle popup screen multiple activity addition.

SentinelAI Registration 



  • Sentinel.AI Track - User activity Report now shows the utilization in percentage.
  • Header text updated in Tenant expiry notification email.
  • Stability fixes included in this release.


Administration Updates:

  • Removed fields (snap image, screenshot, image quality, and process comment) from all view pages.
  • Default settings creation for Sentinel.AI v7.8.4.6 is now available. Product settings are created automatically when a new Tenant is created in the Sentinal.AI platform.