FPP Scope 

When to use the FPPScope Activity

Scope activity will act as an authentication drop zone for all the activities in the package.


Figure 1




Drag and drop an FPP Scope activity from the FacePlusPlus package on the canvas. (1) Proceed to provide the API Key (2) and the API Secret (3) in the pertaining fields. Select the RegionEndPoint (4) from the dropdown list. (List of regions where the storage is available) to commence.

Figure 2



Body (5) will be empty and gets auto filled, once an activity is dropped into the scope drop zone. DisplayName (6) and Version Number (8) will be auto populated for all activities. Mention True to skip errors during the execution of the activity and False (7) if you do not want to skip errors.

Figure 3


Please Note: API Key and API Secret will be provided at the time of registration. This is specific to the Endpoint Region, which is also selected at the time of registration.

Important Point: Do not share this with anyone.

You are ready to drop all activities in the package in the drop zone.

Figure 4


Note: Body field will be updated once the respective activity is dropped into the drop zone and its corresponding property fields are filled.

Figure 5


Technical Reference

Figure 6


