In this release of SmartInteract V2 Automation, bugs have been fixed and fixes have been applied to make the activity stable and secure. There are no changes to the feature group in terms of functionality. The feature group with the same three activities, Add Complete Transaction, Complete Transaction and Get Transaction will be available in the toolbox for use.

Bugs Fixed in Add Complete Transaction Activity

  • Fixed:  In BulkUpload section, while mapping a field containing empty rows with field type as file upload, an object reference error was encountered. The same error was encountered in AddProgrammatically - AutoCreate variable Option
  • Fixed: Using BulkUpload section, when an empty template was uploaded, and this workflow was executed, the output showed that URNs were created for this empty template
  • Fixed: When a file comprising 1000 records were bulk uploaded, it did not allow the upload and threw an object reference error. This issue has been resolved and now any number of records can be uploaded using the Bulk Upload option
  • Fixed: During BulkUpload, in the select interact field drop-down, when the same field was mapped against 2 different column values in the AddCompleteTransaction Wizard, an error occurred during saving  
  • Fixed: For fields configured with more than one main group in SmartManager, the second group’s name was not being displayed in the Map Field Grid’s drop-down of the BulkUpload section
  • Fixed: In AddProgrammatically section, when user checked the Add Existing Batch ID, provided all valid input and executed the workflow - an object reference error was encountered
  • Fixed: When the user auto created a variable in Add programmatically section and proceeded to delete the variable in Designer, the Target queue page was not getting reloaded
  • Fixed: While saving a csv file containing empty rows, an error occurred declaring there are illegal characters. It occurred In add programmatically section when there were no path details for file upload fields
  • Fixed: in Add programmatically section, when variables were created for fields and saved, variables were created but were not getting mapped in the Parameter property field in Designer. This occurred in activities designed within child flowcharts. This error occurred for both Auto create variable and manual variable options
  • Fixed: After designing the activity through the wizard with valid inputs, when user provided an invalid API key in the API URL property field, it still successfully executed the activity
  • Fixed: Validation rules that were configured in Manager did not reflect in Add complete transaction activity and when this was executed, the URN was generated without throwing any error.

Bugs Fixed in Get Transaction Activity

  • Fixed: User was able to edit field values even after mapping was done in the Map Field Grid, which should not be the case
  • Fixed: When Field in Filter property grid was empty and if user provided all appropriate values and clicked on the Next Button, an alert message was displayed. Moreover, group data was empty and did not display the selected group’s value
  • Fixed: Filter searching in Field Properties was not returning the filtered values, instead it displayed an error message
  • Fixed: After configuration was done, when the user double- clicked on the Get Transaction in Designer, an object reference error was encountered
  • Fixed: When get attachment was set to true and the user clicked next after choosing the path, a service error was encountered
  • Fixed: In Gettransacton and in Complete Transaction activities in process field, Incoming queues were displayed. Ideally incoming queue must not be displayed
  • Fixed: When the Status was set to new and upon clicking on the next button, a service error was encountered occasionally.

Bugs Fixed in Complete Transaction Activity

  • Fixed: Duplicate group and variable names were created in SmartInteract Complete Transaction wizard, when the user changed the queues from the Process drop-down
  • Fixed: When variables were created for groups and saved, variables were created but were not getting mapped in the Json properties field in Designer. This occurred in workflows created in child -flowcharts.


Fixed: The tooltip displayed “Enter a VB expression" text in all property fields for AddCompleteTransaction and GetTransaction activities.

Property Field Name Change

Fixed: One of the fields in the Designer Property window has been modified as To Queue for Add Complete Transaction activity.

