This section explains how to fill the prerequisites for the requirement, which is the second step in the Requirement Management process.

The Prerequisites contain the Objective, Metrics and Scope.


CKEditor 4 features are available for use. Hover over each to enhance text.


Figure 1

Proceed to enter the Objective. Save by clicking on the Next button and go to the Next section.


Figure 2


Select the Metrics and the Units from the corresponding dropdowns.  Service Level information can be provided in the Text Box. Click on the Blue + icon to add the details as a row.  Check the box adjacent to the row to edit and delete. Proceed to the Next section.


Figure 3


Provide detailed information about the Scope of the Project in the respective text fields (Project Includes and Project Excludes) Check the box against each section and click on the Blue, + icon to add them as rows.  Click on the Next button to proceed to the Next section. 


Figure 4

Note : Uncheck the boxes before checking the next one.