In this version 5.1.6 release of Excel Automation, we have addressed five defects and fixes have been applied to make the activities stable and secure. There are no changes to the feature group in terms of functionality. The feature group with the same twenty-two activities, Clear & Create Worksheet, Delete Range & Worksheet, Excel to DataTable, Execute Macro, Insert/Delete Rows & Columns, List to Excel, Read Cell/Cell Formula/ Column, Secure worksheet/workbook, etc., will be available in the toolbox for use.

Bugs Fixed

  • The User was unable to read data using the Read Range activity from an excel sheet that contained VLOOKUP Formula. The issue has been fixed and now it works as intended in all excel formats comprising VLOOKUP Formula
  •  If the input files ‘extensions were in uppercase, the ReadRange & ReadColumn activities did not function and the object reference error was encountered. This issue has been rectified now and activities work fine with both uppercase and lower-case file extensions
  • The IncludeColumnHeaders functionality was not working in Read Ranges activity. This issue occurred in XLS, XLSB, XLSX and XLSM extension files and has been fixed
  • Browse option was not working in the GetExcelObject Activity. Now, it works as intended
  •  Excel to Datatable Activity was not working when protected Excel file was given as input. Now, it works as intended.

