Activity Use
Using this activity, you will be able to connect to Microsoft Azure blob storage to create containers that help download and upload files.
How to use the Activity ?
Here are the parameters required to connect and download files from Azure blob Storage.
- Account Name: Account name of the blob
- Account Key: Account key associated with the blob account
- Container name: Name of the container associated to the blob account
What follows is an explanation of Create Container in the AzureBlob Automation package.
When to use CreateContainer Activity
A container organizes a set of blobs, similar to a directory in a file system. This activity can be used to create containers that are tied to user accounts to group Blobs into them.
Figure 1
Drag and Drop a Create Container activity from the AzureBlob package on the canvas. Fill all details in the Property Window and Execute. Refer the ensuing images.
Figure 2
Technical Reference
Figure 3
Note: The Account Key, Account Name and Container Name are to be provided as string.