
When to use the GetFaceSets Activity

Use this activity when you want to get all face sets.

Figure 1


Drag a GetFaceSets activity from the FacePlusPlus package and drop it into the FPP Scope. Fill appropriate details in all fields in the property window. Face set tags input must be provided as a list of string. For more details, refer Figure 4. Execute to get the list of FaceSet under an API Key, as well as information such as faceset_token, outer_id, display name, and tags.

Note: It will not return the complete list of FaceSet at a time. Each request will return 100 FaceSet at the most. To get the full list, please use parameter `start` and `next`. Please modify your program ASAP.

Figure 2


Figure 3

Return Values


Technical Reference

Figure 4


