In this release, a bug has been fixed and a keyword ‘Failure’ was added as a prefix to the existing error messages that were displayed during SQL time out errors. This particular cryptic error message occured while using the SmartInteract activities.

Bug Fixed

Fixed - Despite deactivating the "Email Notification” in SmartInteract Configuration and deploying the queue to live environment, the user continued to receive emails for the respective projects. To counteract this issue when the user tried to delete email configuration for the specified queue, he was unable to do so. 


Error messages that inform users when time out errors occur have been modified. The alerts now carry a prefix as Failure, so the error message will read as “Failure Time out expired,” if time elapses prior to completion of the operation or if the server is not responding. Yet another error message that will be displayed when a connection that was expected to be kept active, but was closed by the server will display as “Failure The underlying connection was closed.”