Password Box

Wherever you want to pass the password values, the Password Box control can be used. There is no specific field to tag this control as mandatory. By default, Password Box is marked as mandatory and will be viewed as such, at the time when it is invoked.

Drag and drop a Password Box control in the form. Drag and Drop a button control under this.

Proceed to fill all details in the Password Property Window. The default Password Character is provided in the Password Character field. You can change this by deleting and typing a character of your choice or decide to go with the same.


Figure 1

The inputs given for the password must comprise a minimum of eight characters, containing one uppercase, one lowercase, a special character and one integer. This is to be typed in the Display Text of the Button for viewing. Also, the event type selection will do the following:

Clear: Will clear the password value in the preview ,invariably in the runtime.

Ok: Will save the password value in preview and runtime.

Cancel: Will clear the password value in the control and close the preview window.

None: will not do any action.


Figure 2

 Providing a password and checking if it is correct with a button can be done only  in the preview screen. Thus, you can type your password in its control only in the preview screen.

Go to the preview screen and type the password in the password control by looking at the one displayed in the button. 


Figure 3

If you do not follow the rules mentioned above or if the password box is empty, the box will be highlighted in red upon clicking the button control.


Figure 4

Thus, one can choose the password character as preferred. It can be invoked at runtime. 


Figure 5

