There is an array of features available in the platform. You can have multiple versions of the same features and Feature Management(sub-menu) helps in easily and swiftly accessing these features. This menu acts as a repository to store these features.  One can download new features or download the feature's required versions. 


Figure 1

Administration --> Product Management-->Feature Management

Select the Status and the required Feature from the respective dropdowns. Click on the Go button. Download the version as per requirement.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Using the Manage Feature option (1), Browse (2.)


Figure 3

 Select the downloaded feature from the specified stored location (3) upload (4), Save (5) and start using it in your workflow.


Figure 4

The Sync option is provided to sync features if they are not up to date.


Figure 5

Note: This menu is used for offline download only and syncing can be done by those who have administration privileges.