Manager - Update

There was an issue reported on the Daily Multiple & Weekly Multiple schedules in version A bot would get executed post scheduled hours because the date was not accounted for in the logic. 

Our Scheduler module has been updated in release by adding the date to the validation for Daily Multiple and Weekly Multiple schedules. 

Robility Manager - Update

In this patch an update has been made on the RobilityInteract web application

A hyperlink option has been provided to navigate seamlessly in the configuration section.

You can avail this option in the following pages,

1. Interact Configuration page
2. Index review page
3. Transaction report page


In this patch release, an update has been included in the Robility Interact service.

What Happened?

When the user tried multiple transaction importation, the Robility Interact Service failed to return the BatchID as response. Subsequently the user re-uploaded the transaction which resulted in Duplicate record.

Bug Fixed: 


In this patch release warning messages in log viewer has been improved to provide more details on user action.


Bug fixed:
When the developer clicks on the View log menu, an alert message appears “error in retrieving data” now this has been corrected with appropriate message.

What happened?
Robility Process monitoring and bot development team will not be able to View logs from the Robot monitoring page, Allocated Queue, Environment Monitoring and Product Management - Log viewer in Robility Manager.

Manager Updates

In this patch release, an update has been made in the transaction status dashboard and a Runtimescript has been added in the Web configuration section to execute web automation feature.


Manager Updates

In this patch release, a bug reported in Interact configuration deployment has been addressed. In addition updates have been made in Robot monitoring , Interact field configuration and Automation Summary.