The feature to detect the elements in Microsoft edge has been provided in the latest WebAutomation v.5.4.5. To migrate the lower versions and detect the elements in Microsoft edge, IE to Edge feature has been provided.

This feature has been included to the Designer to help the user upgrade Internet Explorer Automation activities in workflow to the latest compatible WebAutomation activities. 

Note: The IE Automation activities will be upgraded only to latest versions of WebAutomation. It cannot be upgraded to lower versions of WebAutomation.  

Step 1  
•    Select the Upgrade option on the top.
•    From the dropdown, select IE Automation to upgrade the activities.
•    The IE to Web Migration Workflow tabular column appears on the screen.
•    The window displays WebAutomation version and Activity name and activity count.
•    The activity count column displays the number of times that the activity has been used in the workflow.

Step 2
•    Click the upgrade button.
•    A window will appear requesting confirmation to proceed, click Yes to upgrade.

Step 3
•    The upgraded workflow will appear as a separate tab in the Designer.
•    The activities in the workflow will be upgraded to the latest WebAutomation activities.

Step 4
•    Select save workflow to save your progress.
•    A save confirmation message appears on the screen, click Yes., 5.4.5