Bug Fixes

The Get text activity available in the desktop automation feature to extract text had the issue of not extracting when the window title of the application from which data needs to be captured was provided partially. This issue has been fixed and now the activity extracts text even in case of partial window title being available.

The user faced the issue in saving and re-opening the workflow. This has been resolved.

When the spy window is triggered to spy over the element, the keyboard functions, such as F8 & F9 were not working, as these keys are mandatory to start and stop spying. This has been rectified.

After spying the element and clicking on the export option, the chosen element type was getting bound to the property field. An error was popping up in the field that stores the element value. Bug has been fixed.

The select item activity was throwing an object reference error in the output log when chosen and dropped into the flowchart. This is now rectified.

The user came encountered an issue of the system going into unresponsive mode and the keyboard function not working even after closing the Designer. It has been rectified.

The Select item activity which, is used to choose an option within a menu, or a drop down was not working while trying to choose an option within the file menu in the Notepad. It now works as intended.

Object reference error being thrown while executing the Get Text activity has been resolved.

The TypeText activity designed to type data into a field of an application was not working as defined, rather was keying the input into a different application (e.g. Instead of Word document it was typing in Notepad). The issue has been fixed by bringing the defined window to focus and then triggering the type function.

New Activity: Get Attributes

The user encountered the issue of not being able to find the state of the element before applying any action to it. The user’s request was to know if the element was available in the page as a control or textbox, if control, then the option is selected or not.

Thus, to help the user with the attributes of the element available in the application, the Get Attributes activity has been built which helps the user get the entire selector details of the element.

The Get Attributes activity available in the desktop automation feature is used to extract the element's attributes that is being used by the developer while automating. The attribute data could be a field, control, password field, text, clickable point, etc. that is enabled or selected.

The active application/ window list that is populated in the open apps and window exist activities did not refresh the active window/application list and showed up the application name even after closing the same. The issue has been fixed by refreshing the active window list and now the list shows only the active applications.

The window title field which is a mandatory input for the desktop activities to function was not intimated as a mandatory field to the user, and thus, the updated spy captures the title of the application while spying the element and bounds the data into the window title field. Now this field is mandatory, wherever it appears in the activities of the Web Automation package.

The attribute details that are extracted is currently returned to the developer in a datatable value. Which the developer has to iterate to get the preferred detail from the datatable. Instead of iterating the complete list of attributes to extract the required one, an option is provided to the user to specify the attribute for which the details are required. And the details will be returned to the user in a string format, thus minimizing programmatic steps.

Spy icon is changed and now displays the new Robility symbol.

Desktop Automation - UI changes in the spy window further enhance the look and feel.

Select Item activity enhancements

The select item activity available in the desktop automation has been enhanced with options to work on all controls and used to select an option within a menu, which was earlier enabled to select items within a drop down.

Select item spy window change sports a new look with rearrangement of text. 

Desktop spy enhancement has been applied to all the desktop activities.

Desktop automation activities in which new parameters (Executed by) has been included.

The new spy window designed for the desktop automation has the section named, Your Automation condition, where the condition of the selectors is defined as editable.

Release Date: 7-April-2020


Desktop Automation