This release of form builder has fixes to form controls and a general clean-up of the warnings and error messages to make the overall form building exercise a smooth one. Below is the complete list of bug fixes that have been made to the activity.

Bugs Fixed

  • Checkbox Display text was not getting displayed in the preview screen
  • Toolbox Search control was throwing an error when a few controls were filter searched and dropped on the main form
  • When using border control, run was successful, but it threw an Error in the output, “Window_Closing: Unable to cast object of type,” after execution. Additionally, While deleting the border control, a message stating “Default Form Cannot Be Deleted,” was getting displayed and user was unable to delete the control
  • Controls such as Textbox, Date picker and Password box were not returning the given values when they were being used as a single control. When placed inside the Border, few controls were not working as intended. Dropdown control did not reflect the selected values.


Success message for the update variable action will now be displayed.


 Just as in Control name, variable names assigned to the various controls cannot be duplicated. Controls should have unique variable names. Also, always ensure that the border control acts as a first layer of the activity and place other controls inside it.

Open Issues

While using date picker control in a workflow and running it via Experimental Run, an WPF Actipro control page popups and on closing it the workflow continues to run normally. While using date picker control in a workflow and running the same through Runner, an WPF Actipro control page popups and on closing it the workflow continues to run normally.

