

When to use the GetAttributeElement Activity

Use this activity when you want to get a single or the multiple Attribute Names and Values of the spied elements in any Desktop application.

Figure 1


Drag and Drop a GetAttributeElement activity from the Desktop Automation package. Double click on Select Element to enable the SmartSpy.

Figure 2


Spy and Export the Element.

Figure 3


After Exporting, the Executed By and Window Title fields will be auto filled. The attributes of the selected element will be listed in the dropdown. One can use the Edit Element to edit and choose another Element.

Figure 4


Provide all other the details in the Property Window. Refer figure 9.

Figure 5


Drag and Drop a Table viewer and provide input such as Expiry Seconds, pass the appropriate data table variable in the Attributes field and provide a Message Title to view the Attribute Name and Value in a table. Execute.

Figure 6


The spied element's Attribute Name and Values will be listed in a table format.

Figure 7


If you want to get an element's particular attribute value, specify a string variable in the Attribute Value field and use a Write Line activity to fetch the same.  Execute.

Figure 8


Figure 8.1


Thus, Attributes Field facilitates extraction of all attribute values as a table, while Attribute Value field returns the specific attribute value chosen by the user and supports String variable type.

Technical Reference

Figure 9


