In this patch release, bugs have been fixed, a cryptic error message has been clarified and several under the hood optimization in SmartInteract DashBoard has been done. Details are as follows:

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed:  When the user tried to export the transaction report for a particular date range, an error occurred. This error actually occurred due to SQL time out, but a generic message, stating, “Error occurred, please contact administrator” was displayed. This ambiguous error message has been replaced with” Time Out Expired - Having Large Records count. Please reduce the count and export the transaction.” This explicit validation message will help users take the required action to proceed further
  • Fixed: While deploying projects from DEV to UAT, an error occurred in the deployment rollback process
  • Fixed: The Robility icon was not being displayed in the bulk index Email notification
  • Fixed: When deployment rollback was done for a project from UAT to DEV, the project was not listing in the switch environment project dropdown
  • Fixed: Even after deactivating mail notification for a specific queue, during transaction BackPush mail was triggered
  • Fixed: User tried to deploy a transaction after deactivating email notification, it did not deploy and threw an error message.


Instead of calculating transactions count from archival to current time, the job scheduler functionality has been updated to calculate these transactions count only for modified dates. This SmartInteract dashboard optimization will help in providing data quickly, since only the required data is calculated and provided.

Deprecated Feature

Previously, while configuring mail notification for a particular queue, users were given an option to choose fields using the Select fields option, and recipients received all selected fields in the mail for the configured queue. In this release, Select Fields option has been removed from email configuration. Since select fields option has been removed from the configuration, hereafter, recipients will receive mails only with predefined fields, such as Project, Batch ID, URN, From & To Process, etc. Please note that this feature will be revamped in the next major release.