About REST

Representational state transfer (REST) is a software fundament that defines a set of restraints to be used for creating Web services.  Such Web services are XML and Jason based information exchange systems that use the Internet for direct application-to-application interaction.  The information or data can include programs, images, messages, documents, etc.


Previously, we used user credentials to extract & retrieve data, currently we have implemented OAuth protocol to secure the exchange of data. OAuth doesn’t share password data but instead uses authorization tokens to provide an identity between clients and service providers in order to make the data transfer very secure. 

Thus, OAuth authentication is the process of validating users in the configured AD.

This authentication method is used for SmartInteract REST API services.

SmartInteract REST Service

Using this service you can send and recive data from Porjects configured in SmartInteract 

How to generate the token?

The URL will be provided to generate a token for the Createnew case activity "https://smartrpatest.sutherlandglobal.com/SmartInteractRestService/token".

1. Provide the NT login credentials

2. Enter the "password" in grant_type field.

3. Enter Key - Should be "Content Type" & provide the value as application/x-www-form-URL encoded


Use the service to get transaction data

Post token generation, the created token will be entered in the following URL:



1. Enter the key as authorization and provide the value Bearer (Request for token)

2. Enter Key - Should be "Content Type" & provide the value as application/json


Token Expiry

If the tokens expires the below service method should be called.



3. If the tokens expire, it will validate the created time, expired time and increase the validation period.

Key: refresh_token, Value: e4b4ed63-7607-4320-934a-600a30edfeb0 (Created time)

Key: grant_type, Value: refresh_token (Expired time)


The same method applies for the following interact services;

1. GetItemDetails

2. ToCompleteItemsDetails

3. GetMasterData

4. SaveMasterData

5. GetReport

6. BulkIndex

7. DuplicateCheckDetails

8. GetHistory

9. ToGetProcessCount

10. GetTrainingData
