AmazonRekognition - An Overview

AmazonRekognition package is a deep learning powered image recognition service that detects objects, scenes, and faces; extracts text; recognizes celebrities; and identifies inappropriate content in images. It also allows you to search and compare faces. The service returns a confidence score for everything it identifies so that you can make informed decisions about how you want to use the results. 

File Size

Amazon Rekognition Image supports image file sizes up to 15MB when passed as an S3 object, and up to 5MB when submitted as an image byte array.

Smallest Object

Please ensure that the smallest object or face present in the image is at least 5% of the size (in pixels) of the shorter image dimension. For example, if you are working with a 1600x900 image, the smallest face or object should be at least 45 pixels in either dimension.

Location Detection

Detects the location of many common objects such as ,Person, Cycle, Gun, or cat  in both images and videos. You get the coordinates of the bounding rectangle for each instance of the object found, as well as a confidence score.

For more details use the following link:


Create an AWS (Amazon Web Services) account using the following link:

Upon successful registration you will be provided with the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key. Based on the key, you can select the Region End point.

important Note: Do not share your key with anyone. It is highly confidential and is not for public viewing.

AmazonRekognition Package

The Amazon Rekognition Activities Package brings the capabilities of the Amazon Rekognition image service to Robility platform. Using the Amazon Rekognition Image APIs, this activities package provides you with the following image analysis capabilities:

  • Detect, identify, and compare faces
  • Identify and return diverse objects (i.e., label detection)
  • Detect hazardous content
  • Identify and return text
  • Detect faces explicitly


Please contact the  Amazon support team to learn of the latest information for subscribers and non-subscribers.


Activities in this Feature Group

Compare Faces

Face Detection

Label Detection

Safe Search

Text Detection


