In this patch release, we have added additional spy attributes.


•    Attributes included, 
            1.    Tag: It specifies the tag of the spied WebElement.
            2.    Parent class: To get the parent class of the spied WebElement.
            3.    Parent ID: Get the parent element id of the spied WebElement
            4.    Aname: If the WebElement has Tooltip/title or value, that value will be stored in the Aname property
            5.    Type: Get the type of the Spied WebElement i.e it shows either text or value or the type of the element.
            6.    Title: It specifies the title of the Web page that is being spied.
            7.    Class name: Get the class of the spied WebElemen
            8.    InnerText:  Get the InnerText of the WebElement to the Robility spy element activity to give more options to the user.

•  Earlier the web automation activities were restricted to function using one attribute of the element that had to be automated, Whereas in the latest version of Web automation multiple attributes can be fed as input to the activity and when all those attribute value are available the execution takes place and therefore the "Executeby" option is not required, hence that option is not available.

• A few more attributes will be added in the next patch release of Web Automation. 
