The License Track screen projects an overall summary of the Product Name with the Total Count of licenses used. The activated split is represented as a pie chart. Refer Figure 2.


Figure 1

Administration-->License Management-->License Track

Thus, License track in a single screen provides a perfect audit trail as displayed in the ensuing images.

License tracking

Figure 2

Clicking on the Total Count button, adjacent to Product Name will show the list of license IDs with their corresponding status.

License tracking

Figure 3

The License ID, Status of each ID are displayed. Click on the eye icon to view further details.


Figure 4

The  Tenant, Machine Name, Username, Start and End time, and  Duration can be tracked using the view option.

License tracking

Figure 5

As mentioned, the split-up of activated total count is also represented in a Pie Chart for an enhanced pictorial view. Thus, the license track facilitates proficient tracking of the various licenses, their count and status.


Figure 6

