This release includes 7 major improvements to user experience and several under the hood changes to improve the performance of SmartManager.

New Features and Improvements


In SmartInteract’ s queue configuration, a new regex (Regular Expression) option has been introduced.

You can choose from a default script or use your own custom regex scripts.

Here are some of the built-in Regex scrips to extract,

  • Phone number
  • Zip code
  • Email address
  • Date
  • Currency
  • Word match

There is a Try Sample option to test the regex script before deploying in real time to verify the accuracy of the script.


Total transaction Dashboard’s start and end date duration filter now supports 180 days window, previously only 30 days were supported.

RPA Health Chart default landing page tile now displays the total Live transaction summary, on the top left. Previously this was not available, inclusion of the legend that is updated with a record of live transactions enable users to be informed of all live transactions, in one place.

User Management

The user management menu offers yet another improvement. In Add user page, Last Logged-In Time field has been incorporated to improve traceability.

Add Robot

Previously, in Asset Management, under the Project Management sub- menu, when adding the robot, the type of robot was not displayed in the grid.

A new Robot type field has been added, so the users can easily check if the added robot is a main or sub robot, by clicking on the edit option.

Copy workflow previously allowed copying only the latest version of the workflow, now the form has been revised to include an option for the user to choose a version of the workflow to copy.

Credentials Manager

Credentials grid is further enhanced with Updated-by and Updated-on fields to know who performed the latest update.

SmartInteract Project listing

The grid headers now contain Updated by and Updated on fields, so project administrators can keep track of changes made to the project. The grid headers will also remain constant to all the filter selections that are applied to the project listing grid.

Feature Manager Sync

New Sync option is included to the Feature Manager, which will automatically sync the approved activities from the centralized feature repository.

Role Configuration

The role configuration has undergone a massive revamp were the grid has permission for various pages. This give the Robility administrator to provide granular access to pages if a user requires view only, edit, delete access to certain pages.

The page also supports default lading page that can be mapped to user roles. So users mapped to those roles will be automatically routed to the landing page set here.

Under the Hood updates

  • The time taken to load the user listing grid in User Management has been significantly reduced. Irrespective of the count of users on the platform, the grid loads instantly
  • In SmartInteract, when a bunch of transactions were required to be processed, and multiple users were working on the same queue, more than one user were able to pick the same URN. Before a validation was put in place, it wasn’t throwing an error and allowed both users to work on the same URN, but only one user’s work was being saved. Now, validation is in place, thus, if two users choose to work on the same URN, it will display an error message and disallow multiple users accessing the same URN. Only one user can work on a given URN, at any given point, and it will be locked to others trying to access the same URN
  • In SmartInteract’ s project setup page, the edit button has been removed for an improved user experience
  • Session time out errors caused by un-responsive database has been addressed by tweaking the transactions query logic and the way SLAs were being calculated in real time.

Defects Addressed

Unique key generator - In SmartManager, the Unique key field was accepting invalid input, such as, html tags and was encountering errors. This issue is resolved, and the field does not accept special characters, alphabets, etc., but allows only numbers

User register - When a domain user logs in and registers, if he is already registered, an appropriate validation message is displayed. However, when the user submitted an invalid username, it was automatically populating the previous user’s details in the form. This defect has been resolved, so users can enjoy a seamless user registration experience

Interact form configuration - when fields are configured with mandatory checkboxes, and if were left unchecked in indexing queue, an incorrect error message was displayed. It contained the name of the checkbox and was repeated as many times as the number of checkboxes. For instance, if a user had configured a field named Marital status, with three check boxes provided to select as single, married and divorced. And if the user fails to check any one option despite configuring this as mandatory field, then the error message warns, missed out fields such as Marital Status, Marital Status, Marital Status are missing. This is now fixed.

Interact form template - the user was unable to download the configured fields using the download template provided in the SmartInteract’ s project setup page. This issue was occurring because the first row, i.e. display name was missing in the template. Issue is addressed and now users can download the configured fields for one project and upload it for further processing.

Field length validation: Some of the maximum and minimum field length validations have been corrected.

Interact environment switch: When users work with multiple tabs and switch projects, the system was allowing users to submit failed transactions without any warning, so now users will be notified if they try submitting transactions to non-active project.

Schedule robot - In robot monitoring, schedule robot had a defect, because of which users were unable to schedule robots in real time. Now we have addressed this issue and it works as intended.