
  • Application automatic update failiure has been fixed.
  • Fix for Service run failiure when any other time zone is set other than IST. 
  • Imges captured when system locked bug fixed


  • Bug in Vision where captured images were not set to the platform is now fixed.
  • Fixed a bug which caused too many images to be captured within set interval.


New feature Sentinel.AI Shield masking script builder included to the application. The masking script builder extension will be automatically installed in Google chrome if installed.

Security updates are included to this build.



  • Fixed Vision report not showing anomlaies for users who have resigned or moved to other accounts. 
  • Account locked - Not working after 10mins.


  • Audit track for masterdata record deletion





  • Project expiry email notification added
  • Track reports now displays the first login and last logout in date\time.
  • Allow agents to be re-invited with right user type (custom/domain)
  • FIxed Tenant/Project expiration notification and will  trigger based on 'End date'.

Bug Fixes

Update and New Feature

Option included to settings for exporting application log files to the cloud. Support team will be able to export the log files from the platfrom.

Vision training now contains a audio alert when the user successfully completes a face orientation capture.