
SentinelAI Registration

  • Fixed Anamoly record count -Ignored failure record.
  • Fixed count for total photos captured per day in core.
  • Fixed space in supervisor label for both Anomaly and Settings page.


  • Fixed validation for save button
  • Fixed Actipro license issue



  • Read the user last input from GetLastInputInfo method using User32 DLL.
  • Time and date format made uniform throughout the log.
  • User Activity Track message activity pop up screen updated
  • User activity report Utilization percentage added 2 digits after the decimal point.
  • More than 4 hours idle after the shift end use login data added to next day.
  • Idle popup screen multiple activity addition.

SentinelAI Registration 


What's new?

  • New and improved face training process which will guide the user to capture five orientations (straight, left, right, top and bottom)
  • Automatic Updates introduced - Automatic updates allow Sentinel.AI to update without having to be installed manually. The software automatically checks for available updates, and if found, the updates are downloaded and installed without user intervention.