
  • Code quality fixes recommendation applied to AIML and Registration modules of the application.
  • Log viewer filter\highlight button control bug fix.
  • Log viewer bug which prevented users to view logs for SentinelAIML, SentinelAIMLTraining, SentinelAIShield_Chrome_Edge, SentinelAISheild_FireFox, SentinelAIServiceMonitor has been fixed.

Web Automation

Note: If you had the package for WebAutomation v.5.4.5 in the system folder, it would proceed to work. If it's not available, it would throw an error as Webautomation 5.4.5 is not available in the Designer since we have removed the package from the cloud and cannot be downloaded from Manager. Do update the activities to the latest version. 

In this version 5.4.6, the Web Automation feature has been released with validations in few activities and an upgrade in the Chrome /Edge plugin version 1.7.



  • Sentinel.AI Vision and Shield report jobs have been multi threaded to avoid delay in report refresh.
  • Sign-up page redesigned to include third party authentication service provided by Google and Microsoft.
  • Day end report supervisor activity tile has been improved to include number for anomalies validated.

Bug Fix:

IE to Edge Migrator

The feature to detect the elements in Microsoft edge has been provided in the latest WebAutomation v.5.4.5. To migrate the lower versions and detect the elements in Microsoft edge, IE to Edge feature has been provided.

This feature has been included to the Designer to help the user upgrade Internet Explorer Automation activities in workflow to the latest compatible WebAutomation activities. 

Note: The IE Automation activities will be upgraded only to latest versions of WebAutomation. It cannot be upgraded to lower versions of WebAutomation.  

Robility Runner

In this version, the Robility runner is being released with some enhancements in WebAutomation feature.

 A few enhancements on Chrome/ Edge console native app has been made to WebAutomation feature.


Robility Designer

In this version, enhancements has been made to WebAutomation feature and issue pertaining to IE to Web migrator has been fixed.
A few enhancements on Chrome/ Edge console native app has been made to WebAutomation feature.
1.    When the mouse hovers the application, it identifies the browser name and then enables to spy. 
2.    A timer has been added up to 30 seconds if the user did not hover the mouse over any browsers, it will not enable to spy the webpage. 


Bug in auto update which affected few users have been fixed in this release.

Improvements have been made to the face recognition system which will yield even fewer false positives.

Few UI improvements have been made to the application.

Known Issue: 


In this patch release, an update has been included in the Robility Interact service.

What Happened?

When the user tried multiple transaction importation, the Robility Interact Service failed to return the BatchID as response. Subsequently the user re-uploaded the transaction which resulted in Duplicate record.

Bug Fixed: