Manager - Update

There was an issue reported on the Daily Multiple & Weekly Multiple schedules in version A bot would get executed post scheduled hours because the date was not accounted for in the logic. 

Our Scheduler module has been updated in release by adding the date to the validation for Daily Multiple and Weekly Multiple schedules. 

Desktop Automation - Update


In the previous version, when the automation framework is UiAutomation2, some activities would not function as expected. A bug was raised in Click and GetText but the other activities like ExpandCollapse, GetTableData, SelectItem, GetAttributeElement, and TypeText also did not work as expected.


WebAutomation- Update

In the previous version, when the skip on error is mentioned as True and when the browser is not available, the workflow stops, and the activity gets failed.

In the current version, when the skip on error is mentioned as true, the workflow continues to the consecutive activities and gets executed. 

Update- MouseAutomation

In the previous version, 
The click activity switches the cursor solely from one location to the targeted location without using the mouse. 
The version number wouldn’t get printed in the writelog.
When we choose the screen to which the cursor has to moveto, the window title wouldn’t get auto filled.

Image Automation- Updates

In 5.1.5 version of the Image automation feature a bug has been fixed. 

In the previous version, the click, double-click, and right-click actions switches the cursor solely from one location to the targeted location without using the mouse. 

The necessary code has been filled, and now when we employ the click, double-click, and right-click activities, the mouse moves the cursor to the targeted location.

Robility Manager - Update

In this patch an update has been made on the RobilityInteract web application

A hyperlink option has been provided to navigate seamlessly in the configuration section.

You can avail this option in the following pages,

1. Interact Configuration page
2. Index review page
3. Transaction report page


  • Day end report filter bug which prevented listing of all supervisors is now corrected.
  • Vision report excel export for custom duration will not show registered users column and it will be available only for daily report export.


  • Log viewer bug which caused it to load all files in the log folder has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug in log viewer which caused error when users tried to view AIML module log.
  • Auto close timer bug in lo viewer fixed, so it will not automatically close in 3 minutes.
  • Loader animation included to app for log export progress.
  • Service last run time reported as NA in connectivity tab is now fixed.
  • Code quality fixes and recommendations have been applied to the log viewer and registration module.