Drop down -Desktop Automation

This activity is used to choose an option from a drop down/list of choices.

How to use Drop-down activity?
1.    Open a project.
2.    Search for drop down activity and drag and drop it to the workflow.
3.    Double click on the activity and select element.
4.    Hover on the application where you wanted you select the drop-down.
5.    Now, from the drop down select the value and run the workflow.

Form builder - Date picker

Date Picker:

The Date picker control allows the user to select the list of date and time in a drop-down list or a grid box. The maximum value, minimum value and default value can be customized in the properties section. The date picker can be displayed in two ways: drop-down list and grid box of dates.

•    Select Date picker control from the tool window section to the form.



IE to WebAutomation migration

A new feature has been introduced in Robility Designer to upgrade from Internet Explorer Automation feature to the latest WebAutomation.


•    A feature has been included in the designer to upgrade from Internet Explorer Automation to the latest Web automation as Microsoft is stopping Internet Explorer support from June 2022.