
  • Vision report - New status column added which will indicate if Sentinel is active on the users system.
  • Option for supervisors to grant or deny access to Sentinel users to view reports have been provided.
  • Validation has ben added to process comments field to simplify the anomaly review process.
  • Font size has been corrected to improve the usability of vision report.
  • URN auto unlock feature has been implemented to eliminate exceptions caused by locked URN's




Vision Report Calculation

Total Photos Received = Total Photos actually received versus estimated photos. Total of monitoring, exception, vision anomalies, valid anomalies and invalid anomalies divided by total estimated photos.

Total estimated photos = Number of users multiplied by snap frequency and duration. 

Photos not Received = Total “Camera Not Available” in vision anomalies queue for team members  scheduled to work divided by total estimated photos for the team.


  • Bug - If user does not agree to the consent form then Sentinel will not activate for the user. 
  • New* - A heart-beat service has been included to Sentinel to detect and report when the application goes offline.
  • New* - When the user declines to agree to the application consent form then the page would automatically re-launch at intervals till the user agrees to provide consent.


Vision report included to SmartInteract -- Reports section. The report provides a consolidated view of anomalies detected by Agent for a specific duration of time.


Fixed a bug which was downloading Vision features when option has been deactivated in settings | License release logic implemented to free up licenses when application is not in use for prolonged duration.

Sentinel Manager

Robust, centralized, real-time, monitoring layer for the management to steer the overall Sentinel application functionality from configuring alerts, business rules, masking scripts to much more. All under one roof.