
In this version, some changes to vision report has been made.


  • The "Camera Busy" and "Lens Closed" category has been added to the Vision report.
  • "Too Dark" (Lens Closed) status has been added to the Sentinel Analysis in the anomalies trend graph.
  • Sentinel Analytics now reports Issue status along with Online and Offline status in the vision status chart.
  • Vision feedback changes has been added. --- please add.

Bugs fixed in Administration:

Sentinel Manager

In this version, issues pertaining to vision report and shield report has been addressed and some improvements have been made to the platform.

Bugs fixed:

  • The weekly summary report did not trigger as per the set frequency, now this issue has been fixed.
  • The manager email notification did not trigger for shield report, now it has been fixed.
  • Issue in exporting the vision report and shield report to excel has been fixed.

Vision report:

Sentinel Manager - Allocation of license


The tenant home page consists of the following menus:

1.    Tenant home
2.    Robility AI
3.    Invited Users
4.    Administration
5.    Help

Note: Please note that only users with administrator role can perform this operation. 

Allocate license:

The license are allocated to the Tenant for various users under the project.

The user have to select the respective tenant from the grid.

Supervisor - SignUp Process

Sentinel AI is built with security best practices to secure work from home.

Enables real-time monitoring of employees, secure sensitive information by masking and enhance productivity of employees. Driven by AI to auto detect anomalies.


How to sign up to the platform?
The users will be sent an email invite to join the Sentinel cloud platform. The invitation can be sent only by Sentinel.AI platform users.



  • MasterData upload validation has been included to avoid incorrect reporting.
  • Vision report estimated photos for a day has been now set to be calculated only for 8 hours.
  • Bug in anomaly classification has been corrected, now anomalies which have been classified as invalid will not be counted against anomaly percentage.

Administration only
[Copy URN] button has added under Add Settings menu.


The Sentinel.AI Dashboard contains these charts to indicate the anomalies that are detected by Vision and un-masking events that are made ys users of Sentinel.AI Shield module.

Registered users in the platform is available were a platform user can get an idea on the total number of users who have completed the registration process to use the platform.

Employee status – Here you can see the on-line status of the Sentinel.AI application on the end point.

License details – Total allocated licenses vs utilized.


  • Added Application scan settings for configuring Denied Application and Allowed URL
  • Vision and shield report filter addition and grid UI improvements
  • Bug in landing page re-direction corrected