In this version, issues pertaining to vision report and shield report has been addressed and some improvements have been made to the platform.

Bugs fixed:

  • The weekly summary report did not trigger as per the set frequency, now this issue has been fixed.
  • The manager email notification did not trigger for shield report, now it has been fixed.
  • Issue in exporting the vision report and shield report to excel has been fixed.

Vision report:

  • The header “Vision Works For” has been changed to “Vision Enabled For” and “Vision Having Critical Issues for” has been changed to “Vision Reported Critical Issues For”.
  • In Anomaly review page, two new options to review the Anomalies have been included. “Thumbnail view” and “Detailed view”. You can locate these options under Layout drop down.
  • The thumbnail view represents the image in single alignment view whereas the detailed view gives a detailed description about the image thrown as anomaly.
  • In version of Sentinel AI vision, the total estimated photos have been set up to 6 hours instead of 8 hours which only applicable for this version.


Shield report:

  • The header “Shield Works For” has been changed to “Shield Enabled For” and “Shield Having Critical Issues for” has been changed to “Shield Reported Critical Issues For”.


Other improvements:
While clicking on the user profile icon, user role information is also displayed which changes as per the different tenant.