Bug Fixes

  • Scheduler - The issue of bots running outside the schedule window is now addressed. So, if a bot is scheduled to run on a specific machine during a certain time and the machine comes on-line only after the schedule window, the bot will not run, and it will be moved to idle state
  • Add Transaction When the user tried to add the transaction using "AddTransaction" activity, they received an error message Validation Failed, when attachment field is configured for the project and value not supplied. The issue has been resolved by adding a validation to file upload field to accept empty input
  • Backpush - The URNs in locked state were getting listed in the BackPush queue, this is now corrected
  • Locked State - The transaction report, when exported, the locked state for all transactions were always reported as No. This is now corrected, and accurate statuses will be reported.
  • TAT Report Export - Users were unable to export the TAT report for projects which had spaces in their queue names. This is now fixed.
  • TAT Report Sort Order - Transaction and TAT report grid sorting order is applied to exported report as well.
  • Get Transaction - The get transaction activity was fetching transactions from Interact in random. Now the GetItem method to fetch transaction will process transaction in FIFO order - First indexed cases will be processed first, based on transaction created date.

Other Improvements

  • Command center - When no data is available to load graph, a default grey graph will be displayed, instead of empty space.
  • Loading - When widgets are configured for multiple projects and when user switches from one project to another, the loading gif was not appearing. This is now fixed.
  • Interact project setup - The finish button was enabled in the second last step, which is the 9th Master data step. It is rectified and the Finish button is now displayed at the last 10th API key step.
  • Interact report export - The transaction Report & TAT Report Export will allow users to export three additional fields - Process Comments, Report Sent Status and Retry Counter.


Do you have any questions on this release? Please post them here.