SmartInteract ÔÇô  It is an agile module which possesses the flexibility to create bulk data input or output and has responsive webform that aids in uncomplicated user interaction with robots. SmartInteract deploys  Web Service API's to send \ receive transactional information securely over networks.This is where users configure fields,queues,map queues,configure mails,business rules,etc.


Project Setup

The fields in which data will be filled for any given project is done using this menu.  It comprises eight different steps.  Each field is configured using different options provided in the menu, based on individual requirements.  Customizing according to needs is the USP of the SmartInteract and, specifically in this menu.

Select the Project Setup sub-menu and Yet To Configure status, the Program and the Project from the respective drop-down.



Field Configuration

It is the first step in the configuration process.  Fill in the Field Name, Display Name, select the Type from the drop-down,( text, numeric, radio button, checkbox, drop-down ,password, etc.), Maximum size of characters to be entered in the configured field.  Mention if the field is Mandatory (it will be displayed with an asterisk),Tooltip ( if the field must be displayed while hovering) Give a Group ID , Group Name, Encryption is used to protect field values such as SSN #, passwords, and other confidential information(Correction :  Note : AES 256 Algorithm is used for this encryption .

Note: Subgroup ID, Subgroup Name  and Encryption are not selected for this particular field and they will be selected for those fields that warrant them.  This kind of categorization optimizes the process of  Field configuration.

Another example is shown to explain the configuration of another field using different options.  In this configuration, the Subgroup ID and Subgroup Name are provided.

In the following example, File Upload is selected  in the type, since documents need to be uploaded to support this particular fieldÔÇÖs requirement and one can view the same ,by selecting  Yes for the Inline viewable option from the optionsÔÇÖ drop-down.


In the following example, Drop-down is selected, and this will enable Cascading (Step 5).

If any modifications are made, click on the Update Button


Clear button is used to clear  the keyed in data and start over.  As each field is created, keep clicking on the Add button.


If you modify any details in the configured field, click on the  Update button.


Ignore Fields.

One can ignore the configured fields in a selected queue ,using the Ignore Fields option.  Once the fields are selected ,click on the Ok button.  These fields will not  be sent to the workflow for processing.

If one selects the Batch ID ,the Ignore Queue option will be enabled.

One can select the queue ,click on Ok and the transaction will be continued to be processed ,skipping the select the queue

In this manner one configures various fields that are required for the project.

Sample Template

 A pre-defined sample template is available under this menu for the userÔÇÖs reference.  This can be used as a reference point for Field Configuration only.

An example of the Sample Template is as follows:

One can download the Sample Template, modify or add fields and upload the same using the Template Upload option.

 Click Yes.

 The  configured details will be displayed in the right corner.  If one wants to download the  screen data, Use the Download Template option (in the middle)

Queues Configuration

The users can configure the transactionÔÇÖs entry point Queue with any Name, for instance, indexing can be renamed as the user wishes.  However, the order of movement will be selected from the drop down in the Queue Type.

Incoming will be the Queue type for Indexing, while Processing will be the queue type for Fetch data, etc.

In the following example, Queue Name is given as the Index  and  it is the first queue to be configured and Queue Type will be Incoming.  Fill the SLA time in hours, minutes and seconds.  There is a provision for providing Custom Scripts as well.  Click on Custom Form to access the Form Configuration Index.

Note: BackPush and MyWorkList will be disabled as indexing is the initiation phase.


Form Configuration Index.

The Fields and their Group Names are generated.  Enable The Edit options to make changes as and when required in the configured fields under any queue.  Choose the Column Layout from the drop-down to determine the column layout of the configured fields.

If one checks the Replicate box it will enable a hyperlink and the field values will be replicated for other transactions.  If one checks the Unique box, then only one value is considered for one transaction.  Checking the Viewer will facilitate viewing  of documents related  to that particular file upload field.  If groups and sub-groups need to be repeated  in any queue, use the Repeat options.  Other options, such as, Table View can be used to display fields as a table.  Hide or Show Table View will hide or show tables. After you have selected the options for the various fields ,click on the OK button .Update the index queue.

Such  Options  facilitate seamless customization.

Another queue configuration is seen in the following image.  Here, the queue name is given as Fetch Data And Yes is selected for BackPush.  Meaning the transactions can be moved from one queue to any other queue.

Yes is also selected for My worklist, meaning this queue will be added in the drop-down in my worklist.  Note that the Queue Type is Processing in accordance with the queue selection.  Fill the Custom Form like before and Add.


It is required to configure the custom form when yes is checked for My WorkList


In this manner, one configures the various queues according to project requirements.  It gets added and is displayed on the right .


 The Status button is used to activate or deactivate the selected queue.

Note the steps that have been completed will show in green and the current opened one will show in light blue.



Ignore Fields.

One can ignore the configured fields in a selected queue ,using the Ignore Fields option.  Once the fields are selected ,click on the Ok button.  These fields will not  be sent to the  selected workflow for processing.

If one selects the Batch ID, the Ignore Queue option will be enabled.

One can select the queue ,click on Ok and the transaction will be continued to be processed ,skipping the select the queue.


View and Reports Configuration

All the configured fields along with the default fields like status, process name, etc. will be available for selection.

Check the boxes and click on the OK button to configure Headers for the Indexed Report.



 Headers are configured for Report View and Page View.  The Edit option will open the aforementioned screen.  Once the selection is made and Ok button is clicked, it will reflect as Headers for Report and Page view.

Note: In the Page View the same headers will be provided for both My Worklist and Transaction Status.  After completing, Update.

Queue- Mappings Configuration

Enter the  From Queue Name and the To Queue Name . Add. 


Accordingly the queue order is configured.  The transaction will move in the configured order.


Two Queues Under one from queue


 In the following example, under fetch data ,there are two options.  ( Exception and Completed)

Thus, in the index, the drop-down at the bottom will automatically show Fetch Data as the next queue.

However, in Fetch data, there will be two options, namely,  Exception and Completed because it is configured as seen above.

If you want to move the transaction from one queue to another, use the Back-Push sub-menu.


Cascading Configuration

The values given in the fields as drop-downs will be populated here.  One is only required to click on the + symbol under the Add header.  Select the Field and the Value.

Parent field is the main field, e.g. ,Country will be the parent and names such as UK or USA will be the Parent Values .States will be the Field.  So, one can select Hampshire, Manchester etc.,  under UK, and Washington, New York, etc. under USA.  One can select the field based on the parent.



Thus, one can update the value and the Parent value and create fields as required.



Configuration of Validation Rules

There is a set of rules that can be configured for the fields by choosing the appropriate conditions and values.  Apply to the whole page and click on Select Fields to check those fields that will be affected by the validation rule that is set here.

Check the fields were conditions will apply as Mandatory and conditions to be Read Only  for the selected queue .In the aforementioned example, condition is set for the index queue.  Click on the OK button and Add 

Thus, in the Index queue, for those patients aged above 30 ,the Email will be displayed as mandatory and Access Pin will be in Read Only mode and not editable.

The same condition can be applied in more than one queue and different conditions can be applied to different queues as well.

Configuration of Email Notification

Some users would want to be informed about the queue movement.  For certain fields.  Emails are triggered  in a table format to inform the user that the processing of  fields in one  queue is completed and have moved to the next queue.  This menu is used for configuring the Email Notification.

Select the Queue and select the Fields for which Email notification is to be sent.

Add.  Since the selected field is Fetch Data, When it comes to the Fetch Data, email will be sent to the user.


One will find it updated with the Queue name and the Fields for which the email notification is required.  One can add several fields and other queues for which Email  notification is required.


Configuration of the Master Data

MasterData Configuration helps you store the standard set of input that needs to be processed over a particular period, and the input can also be modified by adding or removing data in the MasterData.

Provide a name for the Master Data.  There are two choices in the InsertOption Field.  One is to Append, meaning it is additional data that is received and is required to be added to the existing data for processing.  There is another option, namely ,Overwrite, meaning old data will be removed and the given data will be overwritten in its stead.  One can Select and upload the appended or overwritten file.

Provide a name and select the Append option if you want to add data.

It is displayed in the right side with the following details.  The Download option is provided to make changes to the master data.

The Download option is provided to make changes to the master data.


Usually, a master Data sheet  comprises details for processing as seen in  the following image:


Confirmation Of Configuration


One will see the notification that says:

Click on Finish To complete the process of configuration.

All configured fields will be in the DEV Environment until deployed to the UAT, That  is done in the Deployment menu.  Though it moves to the UAT ,the records will not be deleted from the DEV and will be available there .Similarly, if it is moved to the Live environment ,it will still be available in the DEV and UAT.

Switch Environment.

Switch Environment feature facilitates seamless environment selection. Click on the User Name to enable the Switch Environment field.  .  Click on the User Name to enable the Switch Environment field

After selecting the  program and the  project one can select  the environment as per requirements, before proceeding to the said action.