WebClient Automation - Update

This release contains enhancements to improve the user experience. 


  • Enhanced the Rest Activity to include the “Timeout” property along with the “Delay After”, “Delay Before” to set time/ delay during runtime, before execution and after the execution. 
  • Added "FormData" as content type which helps the user to send data as multipart form data, typically used for file uploads or when submitting form data in a way that mimics a web form submission.

Known Issues

Robility Runner updates

In this version of Robility Runner, Native app changes have been made to the Chrome and Edge browser.

Bug fix:

Earlier, the HTMLToDataTable activity was unable to retrieve table values for specific values. To address this issue, we have made changes to the Chrome and Edge native applications.


If the browser is already launched, please reopen it before uninstalling the Runner to avoid any issues.

Designer Updates

In this version of Smart Designer, Native app changes have been made to the Chrome and Edge browser.

Bug fix:

Earlier, the HTMLToDataTable activity was unable to retrieve table values for specific values. To address this issue, we have made changes to the Chrome and Edge native applications.


If the browser is already launched, please reopen it before uninstalling the Designer to avoid any issues.



RobilityRunner - Updates

In this version of Robility Runner is being released with bug fixes.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Addressed the issue where the MSI uninstallation folder was not being deleted.
  2. In the GetRobotDetails method, the DLL bytes data information from the service response was not being read.
  3. In Previous version (,CommonPackage was partially installed, and count of common package value was mismatched.
    Now, this has been addressed

AssistedRobot - updates

In this version of RobilityAssistedRobot, certain configuration changes have been made.

Bug fixes:

The "ExcelAutomation" would throw a "System out of memory" exception when the data exceeded 200,000 records. This issue has now been fixed now by modifying the RobilityAssistedRobot configuration to use "AnyCPU" and unchecking the "prefer 32-bit" option. 

Designer Updates

In this version of Smart Designer, certain configuration changes have been made.

Bug fixes:

The "ExcelAutomation" would throw a "System out of memory" exception when the data exceeded 200,000 records. This issue has now been fixed now by modifying the Smart Designer configuration to use "AnyCPU" and unchecking the "prefer 32-bit" option. 




RobilityRunner - Updates

In the version of  Robility runner, certain configuration changes have been made to the common package.

Bug fixes:

The "ExcelAutomation" would throw a "System out of memory" exception when the data exceeded 200,000 records. This issue has now been fixed now by modifying the Robility Runner configuration to use "AnyCPU" and unchecking the "prefer 32-bit" option.