Get Text

When to use the Get Text activity

This activity helps you extract the data from a particular field/element/ region of the webpage and store it as a variable.

figure 1


Technical reference


web automation


a Activity: The Get Text activity helps you store the extracted data.

Drag a Get Text activity and connect under the Open Web Browser activity. (Refer figure 1.2,1.3 & 1.4)

  • Double click the activity and click on the spy symbol to open the Web Spy window
  • Double click the element on the website and select again to get the attributes appears in the Web Spy window.
  • Spy/indicate the element that is required to be acted on and click export to auto- fill the property details.
  • Add the chosen wait time in the Wait Time field (Wait Time value is in Milliseconds.
  • Declare a new variable with the data type as Boolean. 


web automation


Figure 1.2

  • Enter the declared variable name in the Text field.

Figure 1.3


web automation


Drag a Message Box activity to print the stored data and connect under the Get Text activity. (Refer figure 1.4)

  • Enter the variable name in the Text field
  • Add Expiry Secs, as preferred.

Figure 1.4


web automation
