
Release Date: 18 - April - 2020

SmartDesigner v - This release includes many improvements to user experience and several under the hood changes to make the Robility Designer stable and smooth.

Enhancements and new features

Home Tab - Some new controls have been included to the menu bar for removing unused variables in workflow with one click, the log path can also be easily accessed. Information button shows a quick view of the current workflow. Finally, a Survey option has been included to engage with the users for providing feedback on the application.

Execute Tab - The Debug button now has timer function which gives even greater control to the robot designer for troubleshooting workflows.

Breakpoint function previously available by right clicking the activity has now been moved to the menu bar for easy access.

Recent activity available - The download features button will now show a count of new features that are available for the designer. The user can then click open the download features button and click on the updates tab then click Latest update checkbox to list all the newly available activities.

Missing activity validation - To prevent users from saving workflow with missing activities has been enabled to intuitively help the developer to install missing actives before working or saving the workflow.

Additionally, this validation is also available for previous version of workflow if loaded into the designer canvas. Earlier this validation was only performed for the workflow which was launched with the designer.

List version - Previously if the user opens an older version of the workflow makes changes and click save, it would overwrite the latest version of the workflow. Now the logic has been changes to prevent this. So, this action of the user would now automatically create a latest version for the latest workflow if the user intends to save changes to an older version of the workflow.

Workflow Save - Now supports on demand save Sync which uses built in designer save logic and background save Async is available. By default, Sync option is enabled which is handy for troubleshooting any issues in saving the workflow but the Async option will be less demanding to the designer as the save routines will be handled by the Robility Save Service.

Quick navigation - By default has been disabled. This was done to improve the responsiveness of the

Designer as it was consuming lot of resources on the fly when the user was activating various section of the workflow. The users still can activate the Quick navigation if they choose to by going into the view tab.

Under the Hood changes

Dll memory leak - Overall sluggishness of the Designer was identified due to memory leak because of unused Dll being loaded into memory. This issue is resolved now, and all reference Dll will not be loaded by SmartDesigner, so loading time is considerably reduced, resulting in improved performance.

Missing Feature calls -Multiple calls were being made by the Designer when a workflow was opened to check for downloading the features used in the workflow and then again to check for missing features in the designer. This was delaying loading the workflow into the designer canvas. Now we have corrected the logic and just one call is made by the designer to provide the missing features in the Designer thereby reducing the time required to load the workflow.

Workflow Save - Intermittent workflow save issue which was casing DB null error has been rectified by changing the save routine.

Debug Mode - in the workflow were locking when Debug mode was activated, this is now fixed.

Known Issues

 If delay activity is used ate the end of the workflow, then Abort function will not work. To exit the loop you will have close and re-open the designer.