
Robility has a set of XML activities to read information from an XML document or string.
This means that data in an XML document or string is surrounded by text markup that
assigns tags to identify data values required by the robot to perform the set of operations.

A well-formed XML document meets the XML specification and can be interpreted by
the Robility activity. Documents that don’t meet the below standards are rejected by the
Robility XML scope activity. 

  • XML elements must have a closing tag.
  • XML tags are case sensitive.
  • XML elements must be properly nested.
  • XML attribute values must be single quoted.

Below are some of the use cases where XML activities can be used during automation.

  • REST & SOAP API when provided with XML as a response.
  • Application database storage as an XML string.
  • Webpages with table views extracted as an XML string.
  • Application with XML download option.

Click here to view the XML sample file that is used in execution of the activity.

To see the activities available in XML automation, click on the link below
