Why Sutherland needs Sentinel.AI?

With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Work from Home has become the new normal for many organizations and their employees. Adopting and maintaining a large-scale remote work model comes with a range of security risks, especially for Sutherland which processes large transactions of highly confidential and sensitive data. To maintain the similar level of security offered by a brick and mortar facility to a WAH setting, Sentinel.AI is crucial in winning client confidence to conduct business from employees’ private space.

When you work from our office facilities, there is building security controlled by access cards, workplace security such as restriction to use mobile, surveillance camera, people monitoring people, high levels of PC security et all. This gives our clients a sense of confidence.

When you work from home; we are trying to offset most of the safeguards offered by an office space with a single device webcam. This is the bare minimum we can do to ensure that we can guarantee basic security using a webcam such as only authorized employee is accessing the computer/data, that no one else is shoulder surfing and looking at client data and that employees are not using mobile phones to take pictures of screens et all.

To provide confidence to our clients that Sutherland means business and that we can deliver work from home services in a secure fashion, Sentinel.AI Vision is necessary.


When does the camera work? Is it 24x7?

Sentinel.AI application does not capture continuous video feed. It captures a static photograph at set intervals (once in a minute, or, once in 2-3-5 minutes). Sentinel.AI Vision is linked to your shift schedule, meaning it would stop taking photos as soon as your shift ends. It does not activate on holidays and scheduled offs. Finally, its not 24x7 and merely on your staffed scheduled work hours.


I do not have a home office a.k.a private room for work. What do I do?

Contrary to popular belief, a webcam, especially the ones built-into laptops and the ones mounted on desktops have a very little coverage viz. ~60 degrees and focus area of not more than 3 feet. So, the key takeaway here is position the camera is such a way that only you, sitting in front of the computer is in focus.

Once you do that even if the camera is facing the room, a child resting on the bed, playing on the floor, or, a family member outside the webcam coverage zone in the same room will not be photographed.


What about family portraits on the wall?

What is of importance to us is that the designated employee is sitting before the computer and nothing else. Sentinel.AI has built in options to automatically mask the background form the captured photograph. If you have your family photographs, personal memorabilia, or anything behind you, we will mask it before we store it. You do not have to worry about re-modelling or re-arranging your room when getting ready for work, Sentinel.AI will take care of that.


What happens when someone walks in during work?

The probability of a person’s image being captured will be very low as Sentinel.AI takes only one photo a minute. Even if it so happens that the person walks in exactly at the second before the webcam, Sentinel.AI it will only trigger an anomaly for that specific minute and then again move to normal as the person would have moved away.


My kid just came and gave me a hug. Would Senitel.AI captured it?

Again, the probability is low as Sentinel.AI takes only one photo a minute. Even if it so happens that your kid came into the webcam zone exactly at the minute the photo was taken, YES, the image would have got captured and it will show up as two faces for that specific minute. We totally understand you are working from home and this could happen. No worries here and no action will be taken. Sentinel.AI it will only trigger an anomaly for that specific minute and then again move to normal as a child being in snap for a minute or two is not a huge process deviance – when compared to another adult directly looking at screen and shoulder surfing.


What is shoulder surfing?

Here is what Wikipedia has to say and we agree.

In computer security, shoulder surfing is a type of social engineering technique used to obtain information such as personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords and other confidential data by looking over the victim's shoulder, either from keystrokes on a device or sensitive information being spoken and heard, also known as eavesdropping.


What if some ones at the door and I must move from my desk during work? Will Sentinel.AI flag me for non-compliance?

Follow the same protocol that you follow in office by locking the computer when moving away and leaving the system un-attended. Sentinel.AI would not take photos when the computer is in locked state. So, an anomaly will not be triggered for your un-planned absence for that duration.


Can somebody else use my computer?

Sutherland Information security restricts un-authorized users from using the computer and therefore please follow the same protocol for WAH as well. If an un-authorized user is going to use the computer during shift, then Sentinel.AI would trigger an anomaly for this violation.


Can I use cell phone during work?

Sutherland Information security restricts cellphone usage during shift but if required to authorize VPN then please use it with care and avoid continuous usage to prevent multiple alerts being raised for cellphone usage.