Bug Fixes

After snipping and running a workflow using the Click activity, this particular Window Title was getting updated for other ensuing activities (Except For Screen Capture.) This issue has been resolved.


  • Log level has been set as trace for all activities. Users can now to track the # of times comparison took place, matched accuracy, etc. by setting log level as trace and viewing the same in the log file
  • Snipped image will be matched and identified on the desktop screenshot. if exact match is found, click activity will be done. Else, it will take screenshot of the last available desktop screen to store in the folder. While matching, both the snipped image and the Screenshot will now be displayed in gray scale to make them clearer. Earlier, it was in black. This enhancement is aimed to improve the accuracy of image automation. This is implemented for all activities in the package, except screen Capture.
  • In this release, Sonar Qube fix has been done for all Image activities for enhanced stability and security.

