Process related information can be obtained using this menu.

To access the module use the left-hand menu bar.



Figure 1

SmartInteract à  Dashboard à  Process AHT

Switch Environment to select the Environment, Program and Project. Provide the date range within which the data is to be viewed.

It contains information pertaining to the Process Name, Defined SLA, number of Processed URNs, Total Duration, Waiting AHT and AHT.

Total duration shows the total time taken for the processing URNs, Including Waiting AHT for a specific Queue or in other words the sum of time taken for a transaction to move from Lock state to Completed state on a specific queue.

Waiting AHT denotes the period from the time an URN is received to the time the Robot picks it up for processing. AHT denotes the average handling time taken to process the URNs. In otherwords the amout of time taken for a transaction to move from Lock state to completed state in a specific queue.


Figure 2