Hot fix release to Robility version 6.0 contains minor changes to user interface elements and addressed four bugs. Speeding-up feature download to Designer has been added, error in exporting large reports from Interact has been corrected. Here is the full list of changes. 

User Interface Changes

Alert Message color theme: The alert messages have been refurbished for an enhanced user experience. It now sports a refreshing look without images and reduced font size.

Interact Project setup loading GIF: In SmartInteract, a loading GIF has been added in all steps of the project setup as an additional notifier.

Vibrant Colors for Easy Identification. Robot status in the overall status screen in SmartInteract has been given a makeover, in order to differentiate statuses precisely to make it easy to take it all in through a quick glance as each status is displayed with distinct colors.

Loading Gif: Design and Runner product menus will now display a new loading GIF when user downloads the products for a better user experience.

Product page help links: In Robility Designer and Robility Runner page, all links will now open in new tabs to prevent users' session expiry.

Bug Fixes

Speed-up Feature download in Designer: Changes have been made to download features to Designer much faster. A configuration setting for feature storage location switch is available for diagnostics (CDN Blob and In-DB SQL.)

Interact report export: Exporting considerable number of transactions was taking a while and in few instances was throwing timeout errors. This has been corrected now.

Session expiry logs: Numerous entries of session expiry logs were printed in logs. This is now prevented, and only relevant logs are captured and written to Manager log.

Product page in Internet explorer: The page elements were not rendering correctly in IE browser. It is now corrected.


Do you have any questions on this release? Please post them here.