This Feature allow users to store faces in cloud and  perform detection, analysis and comparison between faces. The list of features are as follows:

FPP Scope - Scope activity will act as an authentication drop zone for all the activities in the package.

FaceDetection: Detects faces within images, and gets back high-precision face bounding box and token for each detected face. It also allows you to store metadata of each detected face for future use.

FaceAnalyze:  Gets face attributes by passing its face_token which you can get from the Face Detection Activity. 

FaceSearch: Finds one or more most similar faces from a Faceset, against the new face input.

FaceCompare: Checks the likelihood that two faces belong to the same person. 

FaceGetDetails:  Gets information related to a face by passing its face_token.

CreateFaceSet: Creates a face collection called FaceSet to store face_token.

UpdateFaceSet: Updates the attributes of a FaceSet.

RemoveFaceFromFaceSet: Removes all or part of face_token within a FaceSet.

FaceSetUserID: Sets user_id for a detected face.

DeleteFaceSet:  Deletes an existing FaceSet.

AddFaceToFaceSet: Adds face_token into an existing FaceSet.

GetFaceSets: Gets all face sets.

GetFaceSetDetails: Gets details about a FaceSet.

To learn more about these activities use the left-hand navigation menu to locate the feature group under Activities section or perform a search by the activity name.


