
When to use the SecureSetText Activity

When you want to obtain the user credential that is  stored in the  SmartManager's credential vault under a specific application, SecureSetText activity is used. This provides enhanced security and allows robots to navigate to various client tools to complete tasks without delay and fear of agents or other users viewing the user credentials.

Figure 1


Double- click on the activity to access the following window. Click on Select Element to enable the SmartSpy. Select the Session and click on Attach.

Figure 2


Proceed to spy in the URL that you are working on. Press F9 to start spying and Press F8 to stop. Click on Export.

Figure 3


After exporting , most of the values get auto-filled in the respective fields present in the Property Window.

Fill in the other details (Refer Figure 5.)

Figure 4


Figure 5


After filling all details in the respective fields, Execute. The Credential will be used in the selected Application, as specified for enhanced security.

Figure 6


Additional Information

SelectBy dropdown has multiple options such as:

Value: Accepts the default assigned HTML values of a webpage.

Text: Accepts text input of the dropdown options.

Index: Index position of the data in a dropdown that needs to be extracted.


Similarly, Send Type has multiple options, such as :

Elements : To Send credentials as Element ID to be entered in a specific field.

Characters :Send Credentials as Characters to be entered in a specific field.

Paste: Send Credentials to paste in a specific field.



  • Only those applications that can be opened by open browser activity can use the Secure Set Text Activity
  • After the  workflow is executed using the chosen credential, it  will be locked in the SmartManager's Credential vault and requires to be unlocked by the user.