SmartInteract Project listing

SmartInteract_ Configuration_ Project Setup


Figure 1

The SmartInteract Configuration grid headers now contain Updated by and Updated on fields, so project administrators can keep track of changes made to the project. The grid headers will also remain constant to all the filter selections that are applied to the project listing grid.


Figure 2

Master Data Upload

SmartInteract-->Master Data Upload


Figure 3

The user can select the Master Data Name, Browse and select the file and select the Upload option,that is,Append/Overwrite to perform these options as required. Both Uploading the Master Data and Downloading options are provided here, along with the Reset option.This comes in handy for users without access to the configuration wizard. All users can therefore,use this menu to append and overwrite master data and can upload and download-all in the same place.


Figure 4

Feed Type

SmartInteract _  Configuration _ Project Setup_Step 2 Queue


Figure 5

Feed Type is a new field, wherein users can choose the type as Manual or Auto. This option will be enabled only when users select Yes in My Worklist field.When Auto is selected, all newly pending transactions will be loaded in the My Worklist queue without the user having to do it manually.


Figure 6

New Queues

SmartInteract _  Configuration _ Project Setup_Step 2 Queue


Figure 7

Business Exception and System Exception are  the two new queue types that have been included.This is intended to swiftly identify and classify exceptions to resolve them quickly, provide accurate daily reports,etc.


Figure 8

Transaction Report Menu

SmartInteract _  Reports_ Transaction Report

Indexed report in configuration wizard in step 3 has been removed and is now available In Reports  as Transaction Report for swift access.


Figure 9