What has changed?

Bug in the workflow save procedure which was causing the latest version of workflow to be replaced by previous version is now fixed.

Summary of the Designer save process:

There are three steps involved when save function is used in designer.

  1. Metadata is generated by designer and sent to SmartManager with ProjectID, ProgramID, RobotID, comment, User Name, IP address, Hostname, Robot name and *Version number.


The Version number is a new inclusion to determine if the workflow that is being save is the latest version or if the user is trying to save an older version of the workflow.


  1. Response from SmartManager with Robot ID, Version number and Save status is received by Designer.


  1. The final step is Designer will begin to compress the xaml file of the first workflow from the *save queue.


The save queue now has version number along with xaml file path, ProgramID, ProjectID, RobotID, RobotName. This change was made to prevent overwriting latest workflow by an older version.

There are now two validation checks performed before and after compressing the xaml file to prevent the Zero KB error from occurring.

Unsaved workflow:

Unsaved workflow option in the designer will list the workflows for which the 3rd step has failed in the save process. It will also report the details for the failure to save the workflow like,

  • Xaml file not found
  • Zero KB xaml file
  • Compression process failed
  • Save service failed