Write Text- OS Functions

This activity is used to enter text to a given file.

Technical Reference:




FilePath: Specify the path of the file to which the text must be entered.

InputString: Specify the text to be entered in the given file within double quotes.









Display Name: Displays the name of the activity. You can also customize the activity name to help troubleshoot issues faster. This name will be used for logging purposes.

SkipOnError: It specifies whether to continue executing the workflow even if it throws an error. This supports only Boolean value “True or False”

True: Continues to execute the workflow irrespective of any error thrown.

False: Stops the workflow if it throws any error

Version: It specifies the version of the OS functions automation feature in use.



Result: Define a Boolean value to validate the success state of the activity.

*Mandatory fields to execute the workflow

The following activity illustrates on how we can use the write text activity to enter text to a given file during the run time. Here we will be entering text to the file “OSTest” which is on the desktop.


1.      Drag and drop the write text activity to the workflow.

2.      Click on the activity.

3.      Enter the path of the file to which the text has to entered.

4.      Enter the text to be entered in the input string within double quotes.

5.      Execute the workflow.

The bot executes the activity and enters the given text in the file.