In this version, a feature in Robility Designer to upgrade web automation features has been added and issues pertaining to web automation has been addressed.


•    A feature has been included in the designer to upgrade older version of Web automation 4.0.1, 4.0.3, 5.0.0, 5.0.1, 5.2.2 activities to newer version of web automation 5.3.0. 
•    The RuntimeScript for functioning web automation feature gets downloaded once every update is made in Robility Manager.

Pre- requisites for Designer to support Web Automation 5.3.0:

•    Before installing the Robility Designer application, chrome browser should be installed. 
•    When installing the Robility Designer ensure that Chrome browser is closed, if not the extension will not install on the browser. After installing, re – open the browser to update the extension. 
•    Web automation is compatible only when Designer is installed by a Administrator or users in Administrator Groups.
•    Web Automation v.5.3.0 will be supported in Robility Designer version and higher versions only.


•    Robility designer V & Smart Runner V have common registry entries and native app that support latest web automation feature. Therefore, uninstalling either of the application from a machine will break the functionality of the web automation application. 
•    After migration, while executing the workflow, the URL entered in the activities will be same for every activity unless the navigate activity is being executed. Whereas the URL need to be updated post the execution of navigate activity.
•    While using set text activity post migration, the send type option must be selected as text. If the option is selected as value or index, the activity will not execute as expected.


Known Issue:

Unhandled exception error message pops up on launch of designer for the first time. To work around please click on Ok and re-launch or de-activate the designer. This will be fixed in upcoming release. The Non-Admin version will not be supported by and higher versions of Designer. 

Code obfuscation:

Supporting DLL's and Designer code have not been obfuscated to avoid OutofMemory exception.