
Release Date:  


Read the user last input from GetLastInputInfo method using User32 DLL.
Time and date format made uniform throughout the log.
User Activity Track message activity pop up screen updated
User activity report Utilization percentage added 2 digits after the decimal point.
More than 4 hours idle after the shift end use login data added to next day.
Idle popup screen multiple activity addition.

SentinelAI Registration 

Write AutoSnapType to local settings
Log exported message shown in export section
SentinelAI Model files delete functioanlity changed to retain SentinelAIML folder files in user folder.
blob.npy file or NTId.jpg file validation Check added, if not available in SentinelAIML model folder then app will launch training.


blob.npy file or NTId.jpg file validation Check added 


Logic added for random intervals to capture the snap
Logic FOR keyword input fetched from the db “random” or “periodical”

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  


Sentinel.AI Track - User activity Report now shows the utilization in percentage.
Header text updated in Tenant expiry notification email.
Stability fixes included in this release.


Administration Updates:

Removed fields (snap image, screenshot, image quality, and process comment) from all view pages.
Default settings creation for Sentinel.AI v7.8.4.6 is now available. Product settings are created automatically when a new Tenant is created in the Sentinal.AI platform.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Vision training user interface improvements.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

In this Sentinel Manager release, issues relating to vision report, shield report and user track report has been addressed. 

Bugs Fixed:

Vision Report:

Earlier, when the user clicks on the skip button, it was navigated to the next anomalies queue instead of staying on the same queue. Now this issue has been fixed and it stays on the same queue.
Earlier, when the user exported the excel report, the "Last Seen" time was incorrect when compared to the vision report. Now, this issue has been fixed and the exported excel report shows the time on the "Last Seen" field.

Shield report:

When the report has been filtered to previous dates, the Updated time appears on the report. Now, this issues has been fixed as the report should only show the updated date on the report and not the time.

User Track Report: 

Earlier, the user track report pagination limit increased to 1000 after 50  in "Show Entries" Drop down box. Now, this has been fixed as the pagination limit will be in uniform.
The additional column "Total Records" has been removed from the excel report.
The column names of the exported excel user track report was matching with the platform report. Now this is corrected so the report view and excel export are same.
The utilization percentage calculation of the user track report has been calculated wrongly as the right formula was not added. Now, this has been fixed by adding the formulas.
The average value calculation of the report has been added as earlier it was missed to do the calculation.
The screen got hung when the "Date" column was sorted. now, this has been fixed as the table gets sorted as per the sorting type.

Other Fixed bugs: 

Log viewer to show logs from SQL when the application key is in SQL.
A missing error code SA088 has been added to the vision report and shield report to show the error as training images missing.
Stability and security fixes have been made to the platform.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

What's new?

New and improved face training process which will guide the user to capture five orientations (straight, left, right, top and bottom)
Automatic Updates introduced - Automatic updates allow Sentinel.AI to update without having to be installed manually. The software automatically checks for available updates, and if found, the updates are downloaded and installed without user intervention.

Release Type: Update