Robots that have been created or added in SmartManager would be developed in the SmartDesigner.  While saving, this robot will be committed to UAT.  The committed robots will be available in the Move to UAT.  From move to UAT, if it passes UAT testing, it will go to In UAT.  From there, it will move to In Live-ready for Production environment. 


Figure 1

Robot Management   --> Robot Deployment 

In deployment, there are three tabs - Explanation follows.


Figure 2

Deploy IN UAT

Select the Tenant and Project.  Click on the Go button.  The Robot Name along with the latest version will be displayed.  Click on the required row to choose the Robot and click on the Deploy button.


Figure 3

It will display the Robot List By Version as displayed in the following image, comprising the Tenant Name, Project Name and the Robot Name.  The Version, The Workflow Type, Comments provided while committing, Committed By, Committed Date are displayed.  The Deployed By and Deployed Date are empty for New Workflows because they are yet to be deployed.  Select the New Workflow Type and Click on the Deploy button.


Figure 4

When one clicks on the Deploy button, the following workflow List screen is displayed. Refer Figure 5.

One finds the Robot’s Name, Workflow Type (Main or Sub) and the Version.  Provide a note in the Comments box and click on the Proceed button.

Note: A workflow can be categorized as sub or main workflow.  While creating the workflow in the Designer or in the SmartManager, the user will be given the option to categorize the workflow as a main or sub workflow.  The workflow defined as the main workflow accommodates the sub workflows.


Figure 5

The workflow is moved successfully.


Figure 6

The workflow will be reflected in the In UAT along with details such as, Tenant Name, Project Name, Robot Name and the UAT version.


Figure 7

Once the workflow is moved successfully to UAT, select the robot, once again click on the Deploy button. 


Figure 8

All pertaining information is available in the Robot List By Version.  Workflow Type will show as Deployed. Commit Comments, Committed By, Committed Date, Deployed By, and the Deployed Date and Time are displayed.


Figure 9

Deploy IN LIVE

Once the workflow is in the UAT, it should pass the UAT protocol, upon which, it can be moved to the Live environment. Select the workflow that is in UAT. Click on the Deploy button at the top. 


Figure 10

 The Workflow List  By Version screen will be displayed. Click on the Deploy button adjacent to the selected version.


Figure 11

Here, Provide your Comments and click on Proceed.


Figure 12

Thus, it is deployed to the Live environment. One can download the workflows' versions and save, in order to run the same in Smart Desktop runner.


Figure 13

Download options are available in the Robot List By Version screen and in all three environments' home page as displayed in the following images.


Figure 14


Figure 15

Note: One can run robots that are in the UAT as well as Live environments.