Bug fix update

Dev Notes:

  • Manual snap and license table update query added, ‘created at’ and ‘modified at’ datatype changed to string
  • Agree status check before updating the Shield
  • Masking table deleted when shield is disabled
  • Check setting fields and registered user fields in dictionary before getting the value. if filed is missing a warning message is printed to log


  • Bug - If user does not agree to the consent form then Sentinel will not activate for the user. 
  • New* - A heart-beat service has been included to Sentinel to detect and report when the application goes offline.
  • New* - When the user declines to agree to the application consent form then the page would automatically re-launch at intervals till the user agrees to provide consent.


Unmask on demad feature introduced to Shield. Users now have the ability to view data on the masked fields with a click and an audit trail is also maintained for the user and the field that was unmasked.

Updated version of Firefox plugin v2.1.0 included to the package to address the bug which resetting the masked filed on page refresh.


New option provided to Unmask fields on demand. This can be controlled based on permission and user information captured if the unmask function is activated | Plugin bug of Chrome and Firefox prevented storage of unmask function usage is now fixed | Opening a new tab in Internet Explorer caused "IE plugin SQLite DB disk image is malformed" and this is now fixed.