
Release Date:  

Sentinel verson reporing made available in registered users queue.
"Sentinel Installation Check"has been packed with the installer to autolaunch after installation completion.
Removed shift validation check in Sentinel AI for processing images in client.
Sentinel AI download function removed from sentinel exe and retained in Vision.

New Feature: Sentinel Installation check runs a full scan on the Sentinel install path to verify if all files and services required ot run Sentinel AI are available or if they are blocked by local or domain restriction security policies.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Fixed a bug which was not allowing Shield to be de-activated from Settings.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Fixed a bug which was preventing Sentinel Vision task creation.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Check internet connection before reading settings
Change I Do not Accept to lower case. Fixed don't accept issue
Check agree status before the manual snap
Move Tenant, project name and environment type to label in Setting page
In service, add condition to check if timer is already running or not
Added Time zone, off day in settings and to use default values when master shift data is not available
Add Sentinel AI file count in settings, when Sentinel AI zip is extracted, verify if the extracted file count is equal to sentinel file count in settings.
Remove manual snap update when heartbeat is sent
Sentinel AI version

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Masterdata shift time and off days configuration had a bug which prevented the launch of Vision and App scan it is now fixed.

Release Type: Update