
Release Date:  

Bug in Vision where captured images were not set to the platform is now fixed.
Fixed a bug which caused too many images to be captured within set interval.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Bug "Invalid API Key" reported by users in SRW environment has been fixed.
Improved face detection accuracy.

Release Type: Update

Version: 7.12.5

Release Date:  


Fixed Vision report not showing anomlaies for users who have resigned or moved to other accounts. 
Account locked - Not working after 10mins.


Audit track for masterdata record deletion



Third-party API configuration.
Third-party API - Task Distribution Engine.
Add emotion detection field from settings.
Create new role "Shield Admin".
New Rest Service Method "GetRoles" by NTID should return roles for the NTID in the tenant.
User Details - Append tenant/program name to the role in the display only "SentinelAdmin-Sutherland".
User Details - Move Program/Tenant and Project section field before role selection.
User Details - Show role from the selected programs/Tenant of the Projects.
Third-party API Parameter - After clicking on the Update button then there is no validation message.
Add Index from column 'MACAddress' from table 'Tbl_NTIDAPIKeysMapping'.
User Details - Move Program/Tenant and Project section field before role selection.
User Details - Show role from the selected programs/Tenant of the Projects.
User Details - Append tenant/program name to the role in the display only "SentinelAdmin-Sutherland".
Map User - All the assigned environments are not visible to the user.
Map User - After deallocating a tenant, his roles should also get removed.
Map User - The tenant list from the outside grid and the tenant dropdown is not matching.
Map User - Record gets updated after assigning a project to the user.
Map User - Duplicate 'Role' field is present.
Map User: The 'Environment' field should be removed from the User Map menu.
Map User: Browse file functionality should be removed from the Map User menu.
Default script changes for Shield password and configuration reset (Hide default fields in incoming queues).

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

Support for emotion detection included to application. Product in alpha stage.

Release Type: Update


Release Date:  

New feature Sentinel.AI Shield masking script builder included to the application. The masking script builder extension will be automatically installed in Google chrome if installed.

Security updates are included to this build.

Release Type: Update